Braces 101

What are Braces?

Braces are orthodontic appliances designed to straighten teeth by applying gentle pressure through theu use of brackets, wires, and bands. They align crowded teeth, close spaces, and correct bite problems.

What's the best age to visit the braces?

Braces can be beneficial at any age for improving one’s smile. While it’s suggested for children to have an orthodontic evaluation around age seven, adults can also undergo treatment to achieve desired dental outcomes.

How can I tell if my child or I have a crossbite?

Crossbites present in various forms including posterior (affecting back teeth) and anterior (affecting front teeth). Underbite is a form of anterior crossbite, where upper front teeth are behind the lower front teeth. Orthodontic treatment is crucial to restore function and prevent further complications such as traumatic occlusion and gingival recession.

Will Braces Treatment Be Painful?

While some initial discomfort or soreness may occur, particularly after adjustments, most individuals adapt quickly. Over-the-counter pain relief medications are typically effective in managing any discomfort associated with braces.

How Long Will My Treatment Last?

The duration of braces treatment varies depending on the severity of the orthodontic issues and the specific treatment plan. Orthodontists provide personalized estimates regarding the expected length of treatment.

Do I Need to Wear My Retainer Forever?

Retainers play a crucial role in maintaining the results achieved through braces or aligner treatment. Removable retainers need to be worn every night to retain the treatment outcome, while fixed bonded wire retainers provide extra security for teeth from shifting.

Does Brace Treatment Take Longer As An Adult?

Brace treatment for adults may require a longer duration compared to children due to the firm postioning of adult teeth within the jaw, necessitating additional time and pressure to achieve desired adjustments.

Can I still play instruments and play sports?

You may need some time to adjust to having braces, but yes you can certainly play instruments and sports. If you play contact sports, it is recommended to wear a mouthguard to fit over your braces.

Do I need to brush my teeth more often if I have braces?

Brush your teeth at least three times daily when you have braces to maintain oral health. Regular brushing helps keep your teeth, gums, and mouth clean by removing trapped food.

Additionally, flossing daily is essential to reach areas your brush can't. Dr. Peter H. Chen or Dr. Yoojin Gina Lee can demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques after placing your braces. We still recommend seeking general dentist or pediatric dentist for checkup and cleaning every six months with braces.

How do I schedule my next appointment?

Simply contact our office, and our front desk team will assist in scheduling your next appointment at your convenience, whether you are a new patient or have been referred to us.

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